Styling in a way that boosts your confidence

I love every aspect of interior design, but my absolute favorite part is the styling. It’s the layer that makes the finish materials shine, the furniture combinations make sense, and takes the whole design to the next level. It enhances whatever feeling you were working to create with the overall design.

I’ve heard styling described as the cherry on top of a design and I don’t think that description does its impact justice.

With adding that final layer of artwork and accessories (which to be clear, is what I mean by styling) arrangement matters, combinations matter, sizing of objects matter, and the shape you create with the overall arrangement matters.

Today I want to talk about another component to consider because it matters if you want to maximize the benefits your home design has for you. And that is, choosing objects to style with that remind you of something positive, especially of times when you have achieved something you worked hard for, or did something you didn’t think you could do.

Don’t just take the easy route and hang up your diploma! It feels the best when no one can tell the reference but you. Think of positive memories and find a way to represent them with an object.

To make this less complicated (because you do still have to keep in mind all those considerations I listed about arrangement, shape, etc) don’t try to make every object you style with mean something. It is completely okay if many or even most things are there simply to be beautiful and to compliment the really special pieces that you chose because they do represent something.

Styling this way gives you a home that is constantly reminding you of your biggest accomplishments, your smartest decisions, and all the ways you’ve shown yourself what you are capable of. It gives you the kind of confidence boost that helps you feel ready to head out into the world every day and work towards even bigger goals.

For our clients we style with this goal in mind because we want their home to have the greatest positive impact on their happiness as possible.

Your home should be recharging you every time you are there, and the confidence boost you will get with this focus to your styling is part of that.


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